HMT Collectors Dilemma
A watch collector especially the ones collecting HMT are a in a dilemma always while purchasing watches. One of the dilemma is when to buy the watch if its special. I too have been in this situation before.
One such example in this blog is the Jubilee. This dilemma is applicable for any other watch too, but I restrict myself to Jubilee in this blog.
25 years. Released to commemorate (25 years) establishment of HMT.
These came in various variants too. 25 depicted on the dial shows the
year of establishment as 1953 and 1978 as the silver jubilee year. 1953
is the year of establishment of HMT machine tools division. The commonly
seen variants are the silver dial and white dial variants. The case
back was made in 1978 from the Bangalore factory. The case back is of
screw back type with case code 140178. 14 is the case code for old HMT
made in 60s. 01 is the Bangalore factory meant to deal with hand winding
movement. 78 is the year of manufacture. These were first batch of
Jubilee to be ever released. Later several dial variants were released.
The dial variants includes matte dial (graphic dial), Arabic numerals in
both plain and graphic dial, Jubilee Janata and Jubilee deluxe and many
Jubilee 25 Years (HMT Machine Tools Silver Jubilee)
Jubilee Variants
One of the dilemma that a collector faces is when to buy the watch (in what condition ?) the price being subjective. The example that I am considering in this blog is a 25 Years Jubilee. During 2012-14 Jubliee was considered to be watch that was hard to find let alone the 25 Year variant. A few of the 25 Year variants were documented one of the firsts were from Ponnappa.
First Documented Jubilee 25 Years Variant
I too had my share of luck with the 25 Years variant. Here is where many make mistakes including me. The first issue is we gun for everything even scrap. The first Jubilee was a sham which has a huge ding on the dial. Since, I did not have much to say and it was a scrap I did pick the watch just for keeps thinking that the probability of success in finding another is far less that 1%. This analysis was due to the fact that it was highly impossible to find a simple Janata art deco let alone Pilot or Jubilee during those times.
The First Jubilee 25 Years (Scrap Dial) |
The first Jubilee 25 was unusable but the only satisfaction was it was tick mark against the to have list . I did not care to search for a replacement dial or even a NOS. Years passed by then in 2015 I happen to see a 25 Year Jubilee again in a very poor condition this was the next test. The price of the watch simply irresistible and thought of giving a new life to the watch hence picked up the watch.
Second Jubilee (Poor Dial)
Here is where I lost the plot. After the second Jubilee I started to seriously search for a reasonably better dial or a NOS (highly improbable) watch. One of my very close friend and fellow collector Raaj had his share of luck in finding a NOS 25 Year Jubilee. Then this happened:
25 Year Jubilee (Decent Dial)
I thought it was end game here until Raaj helped me out with a NOS Jubilee again. This too at a hopelessly low price.
Jubilee 25 Years (NOS)
Now the dilemma is why did I buy the watch in scrap in the first place ? Should I have waited for the NOS in the first place ? Was the effort worth it ? What to do with the other watches (as I don't sell) ?
In midst of all these dilemma and question I did get one more 25 Year Jubilee :)
The mindset of a collector is difficult to change sometimes!!!
One More
Something for
this great nation Bharat.
उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।
The greatest lesson on nationalism was taught by Sir Rama to Lakshmana after the war with Ravana
अपि स्वर्णमयी लङका न मे लक्ष्मण रोचते ।
जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी ॥
Api swarnamayi lanka na me Lakshman rochate
janani janmabhoomishch swargaadapi gasriyasi
Sri Rama says to Lakshmana ,” Even
though this Lanka is made of gold, still it does not appeal to me. The
Mother who gave birth to me and my motherland are more respected and at a
higher level than heaven itself.”